
Updating Older Armies... Or Not?

I guess we all face this problem, sooner or later in our hobby.  For some of us, we've faced this several times.

What I mean is this: what happens when your painting skills outstrip your finished armies?  Do you repaint it or leave it alone?

Here's an example of what I'm talking about, my Homage Space Marines.  I'll probably do a full army feature at some point, just to hit the nostalgia button for some of you long-time gamers.  Fact is, I love the RTB1's and all the old, first edition Space Marine.  Hell, I love all the old models - there's something there that appeals to me.  I remember how excited I was when I first got involved in the hobby, and this old range brings that back every time I use them.

Anyway, I grabbed the first layer from their box and set them up for these pics.  Basically, should I bother updating the paint job?  I can strip 'em and repaint them fairly quickly, or perhaps touch up each model, defining the highlights and inking the green areas... but is it worth it?  They're done, after all.

So my question is, how many of you have gone through the same thing?  Do you have the constant urge to update or repaint all your old models?


  1. If my old armies looked as good as this I'd definitely leave them. Even if you can paint much better now, I think it's nice to have your old work to admire. It's part of the fun of nostalgia!

    If you want to do some new painting, then pick up a new army.

    The only real exception to this would be if your old army really looks awful, and perhaps isn't even finished. If that's the case, then I wouldn't feel bad about breaking it up and using all the cool bits in a newer army.

  2. I recently asked myself the same question. I am currently repainting and adding to my Imperial Guard, and recently I pulled an old army out and am planning to update the look a bit. Not going so far as to repaint that one, just going to see if some highlights, washes and such can be done over the existing paint job.

  3. I don't. Once they're done, it's no going back.

  4. As you know, I'm currently doing that with my Eldar :)
