
First Tournament... Daemons List

Brent here, ready to discuss my outing yesterday with my ever-developing Daemons army... I guess they aren't new, but I've only been playing them for a few months.  As a reminder, my FLGS is involved in an army build-project, starting from 1K and adding points each month to reach the Hard Boyz standard of 2500.  Yesterday was the first tournament of the project and the year.  Everyone's goal is to build rock-solid armies to take on the road to the major events.

Here was my list...
1250 Pts -  Daemons Roster - Tournament List

1 Herald of Tzeentch @ 100 Pts
Daemonic Gaze; Master of Sorcery; Bolt of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch

3 Flamers of Tzeentch @ 135 Pts
Bolt of Tzeentch (x1)

2x6 Fiends of Slaanesh @ 190 Pts

3X5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle @ 75 Pts

3 Daemon Princes of Chaos @ 140 Pts
Mark of Tzeentch; rDGT: Bolt of Tzeentch

I'll admit, I wasn't certain how well I could expect the army to do, but I had developed a strategy over the last few months.  The Bloodletters weren't working; the Herald wasn't working.  Obviously Bloodcrushers are a net-list favorite, but they are expensive and have to be used aggressively to get value from them.  And by aggressive I mean you put them in someone's face and dare him to unload everything his army has - and that wasn't something I wanted to do for 4 rounds and 10 hours.  So while I expect to add back in the 'letters and Herald at a later date, for now I needed a new direction.

So, looking at what consistently worked in my list, I had Fiends, Plaguebearers, and  Tzeentch Princes with Bolt.  Fiends: consistent assault power that can be delivered from a distance.  Plaguebearers: 'nuff said.  Tzeentch Prince with Bolt: surprising good tank-busting, but more than that I could send them into close combat and trust to Toughness 5 and a 4+ Invulnerable save to hold a line.

To this I added a unit of Flamers and Herald of Tzeentch... and sweated this decision the whole time.  I was pretty aware the Plaguebearers weren't going to do much more than hold objectives, and while that's their job it leaves the rest of the army doing the grunt work.  Everything had to be capable of breakout performances, and I simply wasn't sure if this last contingent could do the job.

Any thoughts on the list?  Comments?  Critiques?

My first game was against Gauthic and his Dark Eldar... TO BE CONTINUED


  1. Spoiler alert, Brent got first place. I'm pretty sure he forgot to post it, and prematurely ejaculated how well his list worked instead. Congratulation on your win, and not playing me so I could burgle second place. One thing off of the subject, your web site is hard on the eyes. Please, please, please change the background. Digital headache is right.

  2. Nope - actually I was curious what people thought about the list before finding out it won!

    Regarding the companion site, yea, I know - as much as I've tried to make the background work, it doesn't. I'm going to be changing it later today and going with a more basic format.


  3. Open mouth, insert comment. Sorry, I thought your list should drop 1 expensive ass DP for an expensive ass higher toughness keeper of secrets since your DP's don't have wings. I like that he has fleet and his insane initiative 10. I also think that you should put icons with your plague bearers (only 5 points). I think that they will come in handy.

  4. Icons are 25 points; the musical-instrument-of-points-waste is 5 points!

    Although I had plenty of ties during the tournament... wonder if it would have made a difference?

    Mmm... thinking...

  5. Master Manipulator (every store needs one)January 25, 2010 at 12:45 PM

    I don't think you need icons on your plague bearers since they are almost always in your second drop.

    I also am not too sure on the need for the Keeper either. The DP seemed in my eyes to do exactly what he needed them to do.

  6. I'm still working on the companion site, StrictlyAverage.Com - but I've changed up the main page based on all the cases of epilepsy.


  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Master Manipulator (every store needs one)January 25, 2010 at 9:18 PM

    I definitely like the new look of the blog.
