
A Battle Report and a Few Pics

I've worked on and uploaded a video battle report this morning, but for some reason I can't get YouTube to play it.  It has an 'Error - Check Back Later' message, but here's the link in case you'd like to try your luck.  Once I know it's working, I'll write up a post for it.


If it works, you'll see a recent game between me and Big Whit, for this month's Army Build games.  As always, apologies in advance for the homosexual innuendos and shaky camera work.  All in good fun.

Here's some more pictures from Lubbock by a talented local painter.  His work on the two tanks is freehand; I like to blog these various sorts of things 'cause I know I enjoy running across 'em when I'm surfing.


And that's that, today - wish me luck with my video endeavors!


  1. The video worked for me, and it was just as painful to watch the second time. I didn't realize that the first three rounds were not as bad as I thought. I think next time I play your army I will only leave one scoring unit in reserves to help burgle a win or draw. There was no reason to have my DP and dreadnought in reserves. The obliterators should have fired twin linked plasma instead of flamers against the plague bearers, but it had worked so well the game before against Jeff's dark eldar that when I tried it on plague bearers I didn't think about the feel no pain. The rolling of ones was a lot worse than I remembered, I think that after I watched my obliterators go down I must have blacked out. Wait a minute Brent, did you put a date rape drug in my mountain dew that you bought for me asshole?

  2. The vid worked good for me too. And from what I heard on the video, would Brent need to drug you to "date rape" you...

  3. Only so Big Whit could forget the pain...its the polite thing to do.

    Besides, Brent can sneak out in the middle of night and not have to worry about cuddle time if he drugs him.

  4. That was a rough game for Big Whit! Almost as rough as all those deepstiking mishaps in your other video.

    Thanks for sharing the battle report vids, they are great! Hopefully I will be doing some of my own soon.

