
A Paint Stick...

...not to be confused with a beat stick.  Two totally different uses.

So I'm doing a ton of painting, which I like.  What I hate is cleaning and basing models, and I'm not a huge fan of the first coat, either.  I really only enjoy myself when I get past the housekeeping portion of the hobby.

Here's my contribution to the hobbyist: the paint stick.

So basically I use double-sided tape on a super-sized paint-can-stirrer... thingy... and, yes, it's plenty strong enough to hold plastic models on.  I've used it for metal models as well, and while you have to be more careful it will hold just fine.  Then I spray black, and note here that I can turn the stick around, hitting the models from all angles.  You can also see I apply the first coat and overbrush in an assembly line, right on the stick.  I only really remove it after I ink or wash the model, as you can see in the last picture.  That's my 'real' starting point - up until then, it's all a chore.  After I remove the model from the paint stick, I look forward to actually painting up the squad.

Any thoughts?


  1. Good idea, I can see were that would be a great way to paint bugs.

  2. Excellent idea. You just made priming and painting a couple hundred boyz a lot easier. Last time I think I wasted 75% of paint is was spraying because I couldn't get the right angle.

  3. Master Manipulator (every store needs one)December 14, 2009 at 1:06 PM


    Stop playing MW2 and post something already....
