
On Blogging

Bruce sent an email asking my thoughts on his recent post.  So I was replying when I realized the content was worth blogging about.  Read on!

I did like it and I do have some tips.  Blogging takes some getting used to; not so easy though, is it?  In general, I try to post every 3 days, and I always try to include a picture (even if it doesn't always relate).  I don't have the time for daily posting but I certainly don't want weeks to go by between posts.  Not every post is a winner; sometimes I've been convinced a post I've written will generate interest and I run back and forth all day to check the 'comments'... and nothing.  Other times, I've thrown something out and people seem to just respond.  There's no telling. 

Actually finding the discipline to post regularly isn't easy.  I've seen lots of blogs start strong only to fizzle out, and it's easy to understand why - there's only so much time in your life, so much content you can think up, so much time to sit and write... but I enjoy it.  Strictly Average is a smallish blog but you'd be surprised how many hits it gets, and by that I mean people that actually visit and read a post, not just bots.

Although 7 states don't actually visit... I wonder what it takes to get Wyoming to pay us a call?  Not that I worry about it; I'll take my 52 regular visitors from London any day.  But I digress.

Bruce, here are my thoughts on your post (Chaos and Space Wolves Dance):

1)  Before the report, document the army lists used.  It doesn't have to be much, nor do you have to include the points values or the unit's wargear, just a synopsis.

2)  You'll develop your own style as you do this, but for example I concentrate more on an overview of each turn plus the highlights.  I don't try to illustrate each shot unless I'm making a point.  This is a more stylistic thing; you'll develop your own groove in time, but don't kill yourself trying to document each detail.

3)  I bet he photos took awhile to upload, didn't they?  I usually cut them down a bit; I want them bigger when people click on them - 'cause that's why they do it, to get a closer look - but not so large they take up a ton of memory.  On the display, when you are creating the post, click the picture and make it 'large' then center it.  I find it looks better.

4)  I was asking myself some questions about your game with Mike, like what were the star units, what worked, what didn't, what would you change..?  That kind of thing.  The comments about reserving were useful information that could definitely been in the post.

I'll leave it at that.  Don't be afraid to experiment and find your own voice.  Practice makes perfect.


(The pictures, in case you're wondering, are from the dice cups Bruce designs and sells.)


  1. No kidding. I'm still getting the hang of it. I mainly write for myself these days, whether someone else reads it or not is just icing on the cake.

    I like to look back (like I did recently with my Orks) and think, wow that sure seems easy now, but it sure was a pain in the ass at the time.

  2. Any time I write a batrep for a forum or something I always include at conclusions and what did I learn section. Kind of an analysis my my game or the opponents or both so that I can take something away and hopefully someone else can too.

    I would like to do batreps for our monthly build-up games, at least 1 a month. guess I will have to start bringing a camera too.


  3. I think that would be great Homer. I'm actually planning on trying video battle reports, a la Bell.

    I really enjoy their format, where they pipe in video updates between rounds.

    We'll have a ton of good material in the coming months.

  4. Thanks for the tips I will work them in next time.

  5. I absolutely hate doing battle reports. I'm never happy with the results, and either I sound like a mystic, a lucky bum, or a total jerk. Your style for batreps is already better than mine (at least to me).

    And all of Brent's advice is good.

  6. No no no... not all of his advice.... that's faaaar too broad of a comment to make such a generalization....

    wow--we don't need an explosion of nuclear proportions over here in North Texas

    ok crisis averted

    hahaha ;)

  7. Too late Gauthic!

    I was lurking!

    I heard!


  8. Hmmm. Is THAT what the metalic head avatar is for: to contain Brent's expanding head?

    I have been irritated several times before when ignoring Brent's advice proved costly. To his further credit, I don't have a clear memory of him ever saying "I told you so" outright.

  9. Evil Homer: I look forward to seeing your batreps. If I've had a stunning game (win or lose), I won't play another one until I've learned everything I can from what I've just played. Since batreps don't (and shouldn't) have all the details, I think the player's insights are an important feature that is sometimes left out. Good luck with the reporting!

  10. Hey, Brent, don't all the good blogs have a "contact us" link? Am I just missing yours? ;)
