
Grade the Army Lists, Part Two

On Friday we our event kicked off in earnest, and each participant has three games to play at 1000 points in the month of December.  I, as the Daemons player, was pretty lucky in my draw... that is, I don't have to play the Daemon Hunter Land Raider Spam list.  That said, I did have to play the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) and his Black Templars.  So I have plenty of pictures - and even some video - to post over the coming week.  I'm also working on an article on Reserves; no reason not to, when there was a pretty fantastic debate over Evil Homer's article, and that almost a direct refutation of Big Whit's strategy of holding a unit in reserve... so we have a disagreement in the ranks, along with analysis by JWolf and the ever-entertaining Greenblowfly! 

You guys know I don't like posts without pictures, so since armies is the theme today let's grab some pictures of tournament armies!  I don't know who owns either of these (though the Orks look like Goat's) but I doubt they'd mind too much.

Good stuff, but in this post we have 4 more army lists: 1) Dale and his Blood Angels, 2) Gauthic and his Dark Eldar (check out his blog for progress on his many conversions), 3) The Master Manipulator (every store needs one) and his Black Templars, and finally 4) Proffessor's Tau.

1000 Pts - Blood Angels Roster - 1000pts_BloodAngels

HQ: Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost (1#, 125 Pts)
1 Lemartes, Guardian of the Lost @ 125 Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Death Mask; Jump Pack; Rosarius; Bolt Pistol; Crozius Arcanum

: Death Company (7#, 185 Pts)
7 Death Company @ 185 Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Equip unit with Jump Packs; Bolt Pistol (x7); Chainsword (x7)

Troops: Assault Squad (10#, 305 Pts)
9 Assault Squad @ 305 Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Packs; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x8); Chainsword (x9); Plasma Pistol (x1)
1 Sergeant @ [68] Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Jump Packs; Power Armour; Combat Shield; Melta Bombs; Bolt Pistol (x1); Power Fist

Troops: Tactical Squad (6#, 195 Pts)
4 Tactical Squad @ 195 Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x4); Bolter (x4); Razorback
1 Sergeant @ [23] Pts
Frag Grenades; Krak Grenades; Power Armour; Bolt Pistol (x1); Bolter (x1)
1 Razorback @ [80] Pts
Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Lascannon

Heavy Support: Baal Predator (1#, 125 Pts)
1 Baal Predator @ 125 Pts
Over-charged Engines; Searchlight; Smoke Launchers; Twin Linked Assault Cannon; Heavy Bolter

Fast Attack: Land Speeder Squadron (1#, 65 Pts)
1 Land Speeder Squadron @ 65 Pts
Multi-Melta (x1)

Total Roster Cost: 1000

1000 Pts - Dark Eldar Roster - 1000pts_DarkEldar

HQ: Dracon (1#, 90 Pts)
1 Dracon @ 90 Pts
Agoniser; Splinter Pistol; Hell Mask; Shadow Field; Haywire Grenades

Elite: Wyches (10#, 270 Pts)
8 Wyches @ 270 Pts
Close Combat Weapon; Splinter Pistol; Wych Weapons; Blaster (x2); Combat Drugs; Haywire Grenades; Plasma Grenades
1 Succubus @ [46] Pts
Agoniser; Splinter Pistol; Wych Weapons; Haywire Grenades (Squad); Plasma Grenades (Squad)
1 Raider @ [70] Pts
Dark Lance; Nightshields

Troops: Raider Squad (6#, 120 Pts)
5 Raider Squad @ 120 Pts
Splinter Rifle (x4); Splinter Cannon; Raider
1 Raider @ [70] Pts
Dark Lance; Nightshields

Troops: Raider Squad (6#, 120 Pts)
5 Raider Squad @ 120 Pts
Splinter Rifle (x4); Splinter Cannon; Raider
1 Raider @ [70] Pts
Dark Lance; Nightshields

Troops: Raider Squad (6#, 120 Pts)
5 Raider Squad @ 120 Pts
Splinter Rifle (x4); Splinter Cannon; Raider
1 Raider @ [70] Pts
Dark Lance; Nightshields

Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 140 Pts)
1 Ravager @ 140 Pts
Disentegrator (x3); Nightshields

Heavy Support: Ravager (1#, 140 Pts)
1 Ravager @ 140 Pts
Disentegrator (x3); Nightshields

Total Roster Cost: 1000

1000 Pts - Black Templars Roster - 1000pts_BlackTemplar

HQ: Emperor's Champion (1#, 110 Pts)
1 Emperor's Champion @ 110 Pts
Bolt Pistol; Crusader Seals; Frag Grenades; The Black Sword; Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch
1 Armor of Faith @ [0] Pts
1 The Black Sword @ [0] Pts

Troops: Crusader Squad (6#, 140 Pts)
5 Crusader Squad @ 140 Pts
Bolter (x4); Meltagun; Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch
1 Rhino @ [50] Pts
Storm Bolter; Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch

Troops: Crusader Squad (6#, 140 Pts)
5 Crusader Squad @ 140 Pts
Bolter (x4); Meltagun; Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch
1 Rhino @ [50] Pts
Storm Bolter; Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch

Heavy Support: Land Raider Crusader (1#, 265 Pts)
1 Land Raider Crusader @ 265 Pts
Extra Armor; Hurricane Bolters (x2); Multi-Melta; Power of the Machine Spirit; Twin Linked Assault Cannon; Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch

Elite: Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad (5#, 215 Pts)
5 Sword Brethren Terminator Assault Squad @ 215 Pts
Lightning Claws (pair) (x4); Thunder Hammer & Storm Shield (x1); Furious Charge; Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch

Fast Attack: Attack Bike Squadron (2#, 130 Pts)
2 Attack Bike Squadron @ 130 Pts
Frag Grenades; Multi-Melta (x2); Abhor The Witch, Destroy The Witch
1 Space Marine Bike @ [0] Pts
Twin Linked Bolter

1000 Pts - Tau Empire Roster - 1000pts_Tau

HQ: Commander Shas'o (1#, 124 Pts)
1 Commander Shas'o @ 124 Pts
Fusion Blaster; Hard-wired Multi-tracker; Missile Pod; Shield Generator

Elite: Crisis Battlesuit (5#, 226 Pts)
1 Crisis Battlesuit @ 226 Pts
Team Leader; Crisis Battlesuit; Bonding Knife; Hard-wired Multi-tracker; Shield Drone; Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Drone Controller
2 Crisis Battlesuit @ [124] Pts
Missile Pod; Plasma Rifle; Multi-Tracker
2 Shield Drone @ [30] Pts
Shield Generator

Troops: Fire Warrior (7#, 186 Pts)
6 Fire Warrior @ 186 Pts
Pulse Rifle (x6); Photon Grenade
1 Devilfish @ [120] Pts
Burst Cannon; Smart Missile System; Disruption Pod; Landing Gear; Multi-Tracker; Targeting Array

Troops: Fire Warrior (7#, 186 Pts)
6 Fire Warrior @ 186 Pts
Pulse Rifle (x6); Photon Grenade
1 Devilfish @ [120] Pts
Burst Cannon; Smart Missile System; Disruption Pod; Landing Gear; Multi-Tracker; Targeting Array

Troops: Kroot Carnivore Squad (16#, 106 Pts)
10 Kroot Carnivore Squad @ 106 Pts
Add Kroot Hounds; Kroot Rifle (x10)
6 Kroot Hounds @ [36] Pts

Heavy Support: Hammerhead Gunship (1#, 165 Pts)
1 Hammerhead Gunship @ 165 Pts
Railgun; Two Burst Cannons; Targeting Array; Disruption Pod; Landing Gear; Multi-Tracker

Total Roster Cost: 993

There you have it... thoughts?  Grades?  Critiques?   


  1. Really is that the picture that is going to represent me?

  2. Or you can choose another. After some thought, I decided it wasn't the best idea to use real pictures.

    After all, you don't want someone to stalk you in much the same way I net-stalk Jawaballs.

  3. I think the tau list should drop the devilfish, one unit of firewarriors, and the grenades off the other, the shield drones and shield generator, and put in another kroot squad and as many plasma/missile pod suits as possible. Then I would switch the hammerhead for broadsides because otherwise it will be the only vehicle in the army. I would also put plasma/missile pod the commander as well. One squad of kroot form a 'bubblewrap' around the army, slowing down assaulters, the other can do the same, or sit on an objective, the broadsides go after armour, and the suits go after everything else. (if you couldn't tell, I didn't like that list much) It just doesn't have enough firepower to take down what is needed, and 240 points spent on devilfish in a 1k army is A LOT.

    Why does the black templar army have 'abhor the witch, destroy the witch'? Why would anyone pass up preferred enemy? lol. I also think that one land raider won't survive as long as one wishes with the amount of melta most lists put out (even in 1k). I would take a look at investing in a couple units of 5 terminators with 2 assault cannons and tank hunters. They can put out a world of hurt in both shooting and assault with preferred enemy. If you do this, I would also have to drop the rhinos on the crusaders and just add more bodies. (otherwise 2 rhinos would be the only tanks on the table)

    I think the blood angels list just lacks focus. It can't decide whether it wants to be jump or mech. And by trying to take both in 1k, he isn't able to use the advantages each gives. (jump-great assault and mobility, mech-durability and firepower). I would go with either all jump troops and speeders, or I would go all rhinos/maybe razorbacks, and baal predators.

    I don't really have any comments on the dark eldar list because it looks great. lol. I think it has proper balance of troops and firepower. I wish you could get another unit of wyches in.. but I don't think its going to happen in 1k. All I have to say is.. dark eldar are sick, same with the whole pirate conversion that he has been doing.

    All of the above thoughts were said from just a competitive standpoint. It's just what I personally think needs to be done to each list to make it what I think to be more effective on the battlefield. I hope I didn't step on any toes or anything, I was just putting my thoughts out there.

  4. No, that's great Tyler! That's the kind of critical thinking we're going for in this competition. Believe me, it will be useful.

    One of the interesting things that's happening here is learning exactly how these weaknesses work. We have to use the same list for our three 'stock' games in December, so people's natural impulse to...

    1) blame a weakness on luck or a bad matchup, or...

    2) change or drop a unit based on one game...

    ...isn't happening.

    That's been useful so folks can see exactly where they went wrong.

    I had the same thoughts about the Tau and Blood Angels, but I missed seeing those on the Black Templars. Good points all.

  5. Posted by Tyler: "I don't really have any comments on the dark eldar list because it looks great. lol. I think it has proper balance of troops and firepower. I wish you could get another unit of wyches in.. but I don't think its going to happen in 1k. All I have to say is.. dark eldar are sick, same with the whole pirate conversion that he has been doing."

    We're moving to 1250 in the next step of this half year long process. Another unit of girly-girls is the easiest way to add a bit more oomph and is already on my to-do list.

    Thank you for validating my thinking, Tyler!


  6. Why do the Black Templars have the wrong vow? Attack bikes should be singles.

    The Tau should have 2 Hammerheads. Kroot are a funny joke, but honestly who doesn't just burn the little bastards? Lose the Kroot and a Suit, get another Hammerhead.

    DE are pretty much the standard 1K buildout since 1999.

    Blood Angels look fine, and look like all solid building for later, with the possible exception of the Razorback. I'd rather give a Powerfirst to that Sergeant and put them in a Rhino to run up; but I'm not easily confused as to what they do. :)

  7. Master Manipulator (every store needs one)December 7, 2009 at 1:48 PM

    Don't have the points for Accept challenges vow, and the bikes can not be singles in this dex.
