So after 4 days of not thinking about 40k at all, I was away at a conference in Galveston. Had a good time but now need to get back into the normal swing of things.
I feel like writing something but have little inspiration. If you have any ideas chime right in...
I've got an idea, but it is for Luis. See if he will post this months standings on our little army building event. I know not everyone has finished all there games but I think that it would be cool to see were we are at.
ReplyDeleteMy vote is ranging.
ReplyDeleteYou often said your Plague Marines won or lost at 24-inches.
How does this apply to other armies?
I will not be posting standings for at least a few weeks. It is not something I want to have to maintain on a regular basis, and if I post it now people will be screaming each time they send me a game to see the standings.
ReplyDeleteOh....and don't worry, at this point I am winning.
Okay, I've got one for you that I tried to do but lack the computer skills to upload the photo. This one is simple, but it really helped me out when I first started playing the game. Talk about targeting options. You have squad A that can shoot at squad C and squad D, but you only have one shot with squad B at squad C. You shoot squad B first because he only has one option, then you can decide which target squad A is going to shoot at. I had a pic with lines drawn and squads marked, but when I tried to up load the pic it wouldn't let me. Like I said it is a simple subject, but a very helpful one especially to newer players.