See the problem? It's much more difficult to do this type of work after the paint is applied; I'll without doubt have to touch up the model after pinning it.
Here it's not as bad, since I've only put on the first few coats, but since the wings weren't sturdy I went ahead and pulled them off, cleaned the glue, and pinned them in place. Now I have to fix the mess, but the broken DP convinced me to go ahead and get this chore done now.
As an aside, I'm making good progress on my Daemons; here you see the Horrors on the paint stick (not to be confused with a beat stick) and getting their first coats. I use a quick, over-brushing technique followed by a wash to get the base coat. After that, it's just adding detail or extra color.
I agree, pinning may be a chore but it is a worthwhile one!
I tried the paint stick yesterday to basecoat and it worked out great.