
Triggerbaby, baby!

I don't know who Triggerbaby is, but I may just have to stalk him instead of Jawaballs...

Scratch that - I can't give up on him just yet, despite the restraining order.

I was doing the 'crawl and ended up on Greenblowfly's page, there to learn someone named Gwar! has been banned from Dakka.  Again.  Evidently it's a good thing.  If the world is a funny place, Gwar will turn around and create a site called "No, The Truth Is A Bitch" and attract a cult-following, but I digress.  GBF mentioned something about YMDC...  "What," says I, "does that stand for?"  Google tells me it stands for 'Your Make The Call,' popularized by rules lawyers at Dakka who love love love to fight.

It wasn't a wast though, since I came across this little gem from Triggerbaby:

I remember when YMDC used to be people asking rules questions and then 8 or 10 people would answer them before Mauleed weighed in, the cue for an additional five or ten pages of people either slavishly supporting Mauleed or contradicting him on all points because they liked to be contrary retards, all the while a cast of a thousand [see forum posting rules] cheering from the sidelines. The last two pages or so would invariably include at least one fragile momma's boy blubbering about how Mauleed was a
big meanie and how he was going to tell the teacher what a mean bad place Dakka was. That, in turn, would draw assorted queers out of the woodwork (your truely included) to defend the model of Dakka as the rough-and-tumble residency school of the Games Workshop Internet where the occasional swirly or unprovoked savage raping never hurt anybody except the victim so really boy will be boys. And that, of course, meant that the healing circle crowd had to join the scrum and defend the model of Dakka as some sort of internet 40K utopia where everybody was a milquetoast and all posts were civil and we would all use three seashells instead of toilet paper. This would continue ad nauseum until MegaDave posted at least four stupid things and nobody even slightly cared anymore whether or not the Furioso Dreadnaught could take a drop pod, not that the answer was forthcoming mind you. And then the thread would be locked and we would all retire to the drawing room for cigars and vaugely homoerotic parlor games until somebody asked the exact same question two days later.

What Dakka were you on?

My kind of humor!


  1. Mauleed... He plays Fantasy now. You can thank him for RAW too. Mauleed often proclaimed himself to be the best 40k player in the US. He never answered his challenges though and never won a GT. That was back before the blogs appeared. Stelek followed Mauleed and Gwar followed Stelek in terms of appearing on Dakka and frequently posting there. Mauleed is infamous for his self named Mauleed patterned Space Marines, which existed during 4th edition and were quite solid. Stelek has his various Best of lists and Gwar was a rules lawyer as was Mauleed. I find that I usually agree with Stelek's intrepretations of hte rules.


  2. The Gwar! fella was a bit of a rules lawyer and know-it-all show off. Seemed aggressive when you didn't agree with him.

  3. Very funny! And Triggerbaby has the coolest afro I've ever seen on an Avatar.

    "Who's...a sex machine to all the chicks?" Triggerbaby!

    "Who's the cat that won't cop out/ When there's danger all about?" Triggerbaby!

    "They say this cat," Triggerbaby, "is a bad mother--"
    "Shut your mouth!"
    "I'm talkin' bout" Triggerbaby!
    "Then we can dig it!"

  4. It's going to be a pretty boring stalk job as I don't do much internet anymore. But if you're looking for more materials from the salad days when I was a goddamn trained dancing internet monkey in a shiney internet tuxedo, the folks down at the OT board sequestered some comments here.
