
An Intervention: Back to Hobby

Recently I've been wrapped up in my very first flame war over on YTTH. It's over now; it thankfully ran out of steam. But I needed an intervention, and I got the following from my friend Bruce.

Bruce said...

Okay gossip girl, you asked for it. Quit acting like the Perez Hilton of 40k. These are grown men who have taken more blows to the face than Jenna Jamison, but don't get paid for it. They play a competitive game of who's right and who's wrong, and it is just a matter of perspective when you get down to it. Let the the fans call names and stir shit up, hell someones going to do it anyways, but let it die on a different blog. This is high school crap, talk about what really matters to gamers which since you've forgotten is games. Intervention over.

*slow clap* Genius.

Here was my final message on it.

Brent said... (in response, on YTTH)

*shrugs* I asked him. It's why he responded - I sent him an email and asked him.
(Talking about Mkerr.)

I'm done, and I think this is a good place to end it. I've done my best to advocate for how I see things, but I recognize others have a different perspective that is equally valid. More to the point, I don't like how wrapped up I got in this. I spent part of the day Sunday crafting some really vile attack posts, and the only thing I can say is I'm glad my wife was around to call me out on it. It would have been a horrible mistake to post it, but I'm ashamed I even wrote it. Paul, I don't know you, but it's obvious you've got a brain in your head by what you've wrote and how you've written it. I think if we met face to face we could have a civil discussion, but if I've been an ass in these posts I apologize. Anyway, you gave the world 'monkeysphere' so this hasn't been a waste.

I was serious about the time spent on Sunday. I lovingly created a very over-the-top smear campaign that, like a nuke, would have hit everyone. Including me, 'cause I would have been the ass to post it. It was uncalled for, completely, but I was irritated.

My ego got the best of me. I somehow thought I was above placing real emotion in something said/done on a website. Well, I wasn't immune. I jumped right in.

My sincere apologies to anyone I wronged, from JWolf who wasted his time to Bruce who has been looking forward to hearing about my recent tournament win.

Well, I haven't forgotten my hobby completely. I'm currently working on my Chaos Daemons. Here is my first test model, the lizards I'll be using as Fiends. This will be the unit 'champion' - it's about 70% done.

Here's my workspace, somewhat put away. I have a huge amount of stuff to put together. *sigh* This is the part I hate the most, the cleaning and building.


  1. Looks good are you going to be at the store to play test a 1000pt list this Friday?

  2. Yup - want a game? You can kick my ass again.

  3. What do you run at a thousand points? I think the daemons just get better and better as the points go lower. Fiends are just so point-efficient at killing, and plaguebearers are just so point-efficient at not getting killed. lol

    But as the game gets bigger it gets difficult to fill those points and you are forced to take sub-optimal unit choices. But all of this could of course be me just rambling for no reason, because the real reason you think you'll get your ass kicked is just because you haven't played the deamons much I'm assuming.

  4. I'll be up as well this week as well, friends. Last week was a bit busy with the Holiday.
    Updates on the status of my army will be posted sometime tonight or tomorrow (including my Dracon/Archon conversion).

  5. Looking forward to it Jeff - I intend to steal more pictures for my blog.

    Tyler, I haven't really decided on a list to run at a 1000 or 1250, the next steps in my FLGS's campaign. I made the comment about losing 'cause Bruce beat me a few weeks ago, but I was playing my Eldar. In the only test game I played the Daemons, I won in a total burgle. I'll post my list this week, but it will include at least one large squad of Fiends and Plaguebearers. :)

  6. I've got demons you can borrow if you need to-let me know.

  7. I personally play:

    1 Slaanesh Herald with musk/might/chariot. 2 units of 6 Fiends. 3 units of 5 Plaguebearers. and 2 units of 12 hounds. There's like 10 points left over or so. For 1250 I would add another unit of fiends and another unit of plaguebearers.
    Can you tell which units I like? haha.

    And sorry to ask this.. but what do you mean "won in a total burgle"? Should we expect some battle reports to be coming, documenting your efforts on building the daemons?

  8. Ya, I'll be documenting the whole thing. I did a minor write-up in October, under 20 Minute Mini and Deamons Too, but it isn't much. It's got a pic of the mini I won at BOLSCON.

    I think my army will be similar, though I'll be trying many different things on the road to 2500pts. I saved an email Shannon sent me on a very original idea for a list, plus I want to try out Herald combos, including the one you mentioned.

    In fact, I'll probably bore people with it this year, but it should be fun.

  9. You wont bore me with it, I would love to see how your adventure plays out, so I can at least compare it to my own, and hopefully we can help one another along the way, point out little the things the other may not have noticed, or tried before.

    If you'd like, after I get everything together and painted, we can do a "you show me yours, I'll show you mine" kinda thing as well. Bahah

  10. Dude, did you e-mail Mkerr and asked him to check Stelek's blog? If not, why did you e-mail him for?

  11. Damn, I just lost the response I was working on; irritating!

    Mercer, no, I had nothing to do with Mkerr going after Stelek the way he is. I asked Mkerr about the decisions at BOLSCON and Gladiator and referred him to my site: check out the comments section in the last few posts.

    Mkerr said himself over on YTTH that his comment stemmed from the flame between Tastytaste over at Blood of Kittens and Stelek - all that financial stuff that I'll admit I skimmed over.

    I wouldn't deliberately sic anyone on Stelek, nor do I know Mkerr well enough to ask even had I the notion. But this is Texas: I pretty much guarantee that Mkerr is doing what Mkerr wants to do, with no prompting from anyone else!

  12. I would love to get a game in. I've never played that army before, so I am looking forward to learning all of there nasty tricks. I know that you will come up with some effective strategies that will make my 40k life hell. I can almost expect that we will be reading about you kicking my ass next week.
