So Stelek has visited; it seems someone tipped him off to the last post. my post prompted a longish thread, and I enjoyed both the notoriety and the material. I've always wondered if I'd one day wake a sleeping giant, straddling the fence between the Flylords and Stelek as I do, being a fan of both, but Stelek has passed me by and dubbed me 'interesting' so I live to post another day. I have to admit this is probably so much mental masturbation, given that I'm a little fish in the big 'ol blogosphere and thus beneath attention.
I have to admit, I'm of the camp that thinks JWolf is probably the best player out there currently - and I'd probably net-stalk him if I wasn't so busy peeking in Jawa's window - but Stelek can craft a tight list, and I was glad to have him work on one for me. nothing I've purchased can be used for the new army. Just my luck. Is Tzeentch a good option in Warhammer? Lonewolf is coming up soon and I'm planning on attending.
So I've been trying to reignite my interest in painting. I've pulled out Harry the Hammer to work on again. Here's the before.
I stopped working on him when I got 'painter's block.' I showed him to the Master Manipulator (every store needs one) and the Little Barrera at the local game store, our resident top painters. They liked the technique well enough but thought the composition was lacking. The weapon was a sticking point, the gold-in-bone... how's that going to hold up when he hits someone? I kinda thought it was magic, but I see the point. They also pointed out that the armor is nice enough that I should have showcased it rather than go the black route. Anyway, I'm still stuck.
So this is the miniature I've been putting some time into. I'm not building a Lizardman army, so it was a good model to paint for fun. No pressure.
Here's the top down, highlighting the helmet. I went with a more white-scale rather than the traditional bone colors.
Speaking of models I'm stuck on. Remember my Melmoth interlude? No? Not surprising; that was months ago, when only my mother read the blog. She's since abandoned me but I've picked up like three whole people now! Anyway, Melmoth isn't done - I've got more work to do on the sword - but he's close enough. I really enjoyed the quality of the Rackham resins, but my store has once again moved away from Confrontation, so I've put all these models away. Again.
Mmm... Blurry. I've done two more 20-minute miniatures this last week, just for fun. I'm eventually going to build my Vostroyans, so this was useful.
...And a blurry back shot...
Here's the 2nd 20-minute miniature, a Firewarrior. I've got an entire army if I ever get around to building it.
Will I? Build it, I mean? I don't know - there is always some project or another to work on. I've just got zero interest in Tau at the moment.
Tzneetch is strong in Warhammer, for sure. I'm going to play in the Lonewolf Squarebasers Bash myself, so I'll see you there. Lizardmen for me, by the way.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the flattery, too. :)
I've been doing my best to foster the idea that JWolf is the best player around.
ReplyDeleteHe's certainly the best player I've ever played (and I've got a long list of great players that I've lost games to).
Glad to see that someone else shares my opinion.
There is no best player. If there was I would hang my hat on Marc Parker, he has won 6 to 7 GW GTs. You can't argue with that amount of success over the period of 3 editions. But really we should never say that anyone is the best. We all have our highs and lows.
ReplyDeleteAnyways on to daemon building...
I know you are still trying to wrap your head around this codex. For heavy support I think that Soul Grinders are to Chaos Daemons what Long Fangs were to the 13th Company (EoT codex). That pretty much sums it up for me.