
An Opinion About GW Prize Support

Bruce said...

I can understand that this was a free tournament, but with the money that was spent with airfare, hotel, and food I would have liked to have walked away with something other than a small patch. Last year everyone got a figurine, and they gave away a ton of prizes. I wouldn't have cared if someone else got a prize, it would have been nice just to see some people win something. I did have a great time meeting gamers, and enjoyed getting stomped, but I would not have gone knowing that the prize support was going to be crap. I'm sorry I did forget that the two guys that had a table fall over destroying there armys got some compensation prizes. Next year if I am lucky enough to make it to the big dance, I won't even consider going.

So what do I think?

GW supports the Indy circuit, so it's willing to give away product as a loss-leader. I think someone dropped the ball on this one.

And some random pics...

Nick (Darkwynn), one of the Flylords from Austin, takes home first place.
A sighting of the infamous Blowfly... The Greenblowfly that is. That's my buddy Bruce on the right; they played in round three. I had fun predicting GBF's behavior based on his reputation from the internet, but truth be told Bruce said that he was pretty cool and he enjoyed the game. He said he had some strange habits, such as batch rolling and then randomizing the casualty, that Bruce didn't care for, but he thought that more a personal quirk than any sort of attempt to gain advantage.
Me and Bruce at Hard Boyz. Bruce ironed his patches to a hat, which he wore all weekend. On the plane, and I swear this happened, I heard a man tell his wife he thought Bruce must be an adult film star in... a subculture... of the genre. I'm still laughing about it.
There were mirrors all around the room, and some strange guy kept taking pictures of me. I took this 5 minutes before the table right next to me crashed to the ground, sending a Daemons and CSM army crashing to the ground, shattering the miniatures.

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