
Game 4, BOLSCON... Finally...



I just get a kick out of saying that. I think I’m going to stalk him… he’s a big-sexy Yankee type, sans accent.

What’s that you say? I’m married and strictly hetero?

What’s that got to do with the price of tea in China on Thursday afternoons after a brisk rainstorm you didn’t need your slicker for?

Mancrushes are in this season: ask around. And I’m always on the cutting edge of fashion.

Get it – cutting edge?


Okay, I’ll get on to actually writing about Game 4 of BOLSCON…

Game 4: Hybrid Eldar vs. Blood Angels

Chris has a lean and mean Blood Angels list whose fighting weight is actually 1750, so he added some units for this event. It really defies convention, fielding units and in numbers that are unexpected. For example, he uses only the free Death Company and he runs his marines in 5 or 6 man squads. (I’m writing this from memory, again not having access to the lists.) Chris has his own website and blog that are far more popular than my own, so I’ll let the reader (all 7 of you…) visit the Jawaballs blog for more details, but I’ll say that it reminds me of the Multiple Small Units builds in Warhammer Fantasy.

I’ve already said it was my favorite game of the weekend, but why?

I think primarily because it was a good match of personalities. I tend to match my opponent, unconsciously I think, so since Chris is such a laid back guy I was able to relax and just play the game.

As an aside, Game 6 was against the aggressive and energetic Joe Cherry, so we went after each other pretty good.

I like that Joe Cherry!

But I digress. This game also taught me a new way to play Warhammer 40K – it isn’t some secret, since Fritz, Jawa, Stelek, King, and others have referred to it on numerous occasions, but it is a paradigm shift, and one I had to see in action (and then test) in order to fully understand its use.

I mean, of course, the Full Reserve.

So, table quarters and I honestly cannot remember if I went first or second… how often can you say that? It’s because Chris reserved everything but a Tac squad in a Rhino, so the opening turns didn’t amount to much. I remember when he came on though. Notice this, my opening (those tanks of his are about to come on the board, but aren't on yet) and how I spread (my legs) out nicely (for him).

(Do I need the 'Adult Content' warning? Consider yourself warned, I like crass humor.)
This was a real surprise to me, and it shouldn't have been. It was the second of the major mistakes I made that weekend, and the one I walked into for no other reason than I was blissfully ignorant. On Table Quarter missions, reserves are available along the FULL length of the opposite table. I should have known this, I know I've seen it before, but frankly I play so many pitched battles - you know the type, 12inches on, the 'standard' - that I frankly wasn't prepared to see this. Chris told me this surprises a lot of people. Damn, I hate that I was one of them, because that's not a dodge-ball team you want on...
This is after his turn, and he managed to immobalize the two Wave Serpents, grounding the Fire Dragons.
The orange squad of Fire Dragons jumps out and wants to target a tank, but since my other shooting wasn't so effective, I turn by 9 Fusion guns on Dante instead. That's why his armor is gold, you know - 'cause I cleaned it all nice for him. Didn't do shit else, the lucky mug!
His reserve of Speeders drops behind my lines, looking to light up my Guardians holding the objective. This was a part of the army he added to bulk out to 2000 points. I actually could tell, since he wasn't as surgical with them as opposed to the other units. This won't hurt his feelings, me mentioning this - he knew it, I think.
We had a great fight in the upper right (from my perspective) board edge, mostly because I had to. It's where he came on in reserve and downed my Serpent, so I felt I had to engage him there to hold up his advance on my objective. It had its ups and downs, but I saw the wisdom of his MSU's... gave him some flexibility. The pictures don't really show it all, I'm afraid. Harlequins and the Avatar fought with the Furioso and Death Company in some epic duels. Good stuff. He kept Corbulo behind his units to offer support to all. I wouldn't of thought this was effective, but he wasn't easy to get to so it proved surprisingly so.
A wide-angle shot of... his crotch... damn. Ever notice that? Take pictures of the game table and someone's stuff is always there. Ah well, sorry mate - I'll edit the picture if it bugs you, but believe me nobody reads this stuff but me! Anyway, I'm outgunned here, but really I just wanted to keep as much tied up as possible, away from the objectives. I want to do the ol' Eldar Objective grab at the end. Of course, he knows that, Fritz being his buddy.
I really, really wanted to pay Dante back for making a mess of all my toys. You can see how Eldrad did... that's with Fortune! I think I killed Dante by the end of the game, but I could be mistaken. My Avatar was playing monster in the backfield.
So here's what it all comes down to! I've done what I can, practically cementing a tie! I just have to hold this objective... I shoot, but cover saves him, so I charge just to tie him up...
...and I lose combat, fail my Leadership, and he runs me down! Oh, the shame!

It was a great game - I had an absolute blast. I think I would have done much better had I known what to expect, but that's preparedness for you: he was and I wasn't! But I learn, my friends, I learn... You see, I understood the tactical reasons behind his deployment, and with speed on my side I can do it as good or better! Since BOLSCON, I've started reserving my entire army, every game, every mission. It's changed the way I play, and for that I thank you Jawa!


  1. Excellent:
    1) a subtitle that explains the title (I actually guessed this as a possibility!)
    2) the full reserve. Yours looks like an army that could pull it off well.
    Just out of curiousity, what snags do you encounter with it?

    (have fun in Chicago, btw)

  2. Ya Herr Fern', you're probably the only one who picked up on the hidden meaning. I got a kick out of it, but I have a strange sense of humor.

    I'd laugh inappropriately for no apparent reason, but that was why...

    Hell, I still think it's funny - how sad is that?


  3. Deo, if you were serious (and I can't imagine why), you can set it for follow from your blogger account.

    I don't set up the 'Follow' function because it would betray the truly pitiful number of people who've pity-picked me.

    My mom's even dropped this blog.


    Take care - Brent

  4. HA! I even guessed that the subtitle made its appearance because your mother had tuned out. Am I right? :D

    Another possibility I considered for "strictly average" was what you hoped for from the dice. Which means when your opponent is above average, he tears you a new one...which is still making ME laugh!

    NOW who's sad?

  5. Wow, Im glad to see the bad luck was spread around the con. My game vs the Nids I was "attempting" to assault the Horrified Tyrant with my Librarian and Terminators...

    I rolled an 11 on leadership to assault.. This left my termies and Librarian high and dry to be assaulted by 20 hormies..

    Oh the shame.

  6. I only just scrolled up to read the subtitle that I had previously missed...I'm still laughing. :D

    Thanks for mention, I don't know if I'm more excited by that, or Jawaballs' crotch. Wait, did I say that out loud...definitely the mention.

    No mancrushes here. Ahem.

    Good post. ;)

  7. Hey King! Glad to see you touch base here. I don't know if you'll see this comment here, so I might have to push it your way, but I was on your site last night reading some of your old Eldar posts. I think you've saved me from making a mistake with Shining Spears.

    I've been having real issues with cementing my army for the Hard Boyz tournament this weekend, so I've been doing some research. I think I've been trying to reinvent the wheel some. I'm sure I'll post on what I've come up with in a few days, and I hope you'll offer your POV to it.

    Take care - Brent

  8. Glad to help! :)

    I'll keep a weather-eye open...though I'm not going to promise an opinion before Friday (working Wed, Thurs nites, sleeping in the day, lol), you WILL get my views before Saturday. Hopefully that leaves you enough time. I'll try and get them to you sooner, of course. :)
