One of the best armies at the event - this was a good idea amazingly well executed.
It's 11pm on Sunday night and I just got back from BOLSCON in Austin TX, hosted (of course) by the Flylords.
Unequivocally, this event was a huge success and an absolute blast! The guys there were very cool, even while keeping this event rolling along almost perfectly on schedule.
I'll have much, much more to post over the coming days; I took a ton of pictures (and bothered people no end I'm sure...) and talked to just about everyone I could run down for 5 minutes.
But what's a blog entry without pictures? This is Dante putting the boot to Eldrad (Altansar style - doesn't ol' Eldrad show up just about everywhere?) in Game 4 with none other than...
*drum roll please*
Yea, Fortune didn't help... and this is after Dante shrugged off 4 fusiongun blasts to the face
Jawaballs and Fritz were very chill guys, willing to take time out to chat with folks. I'm glad to have met them. Gotta say, the internet doesn't do justice to Jawaballs'es miniatures - scratch that, art. His tanks blew me away; seeing them across the table was awesome. Great game. I pulled some Fritz tactics on him at the end, sweeping in to contest. It literally came down to the last dice roll; my Fire Dragons assaulted a 5 man unit on an objective. I lost by one wound and failed the LD test! I needed an 8 on 2d6... oh the shame! He ran me down and won the primary objective.
That's all for now - much more later.
Hey Brent do you remember at ard boyz in Lubbock one of the guys talking about the tyranid player with the chain swords for arms, and no bases? I bet that it is the same guy here that won balsscon. I do think that it is unfair not to have them based on gw bases, especially when it comes down to claiming objectives or using templates. Other than that it really is a cool looking army.